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The Diary Of A Pensionless Pensioner

The Descent Into Hell of just one of the millions of 1950s Women who've been denied their STATE PENSIONS for 6YRS, contract broken, each ROBBED of £50,000+ and not even INFORMED by UK government under David Cameron and George Osborne& now, Theresa May and Philip Hammond: The Devil's Own Christians!

Tory 'Credit' and Tory Cruelty

For full story, go to 'Home' page, scroll down and start with 'Heartbreak'.

Gross Negligence Manslaughter is when a person/s know that due to their actions/decisions, some people may, or will, die, yet, they continue on with those actions.

So, here's a thing, regarding Universal Credit. (please feel free to correct me if I have my sums wrong) #BackTo60 #OneVoice

Top limit of ESA (Income Related, meaning you have no other income) is pennies over £125 a week. Thus, at present, c£250 is paid into your bank account every 2 weeks.

That's c£18 a DAY for EVERYTHING in life, apart from dental treatment, which is free.

When switched to UC, people will be paid monthly, thus, c£500 a month.

They will get NO MONEY AT ALL for first 5 to 12 weeks, or longer, during the changeover process.


If they cannot manage without money during this time, and this means ALL of us on these Benefits won't be able to manage, folks...then Govt will, under UC rules give you an 'ADVANCEMENT' of the money, BUT, it HAS to be paid back over period of one year.

So, £500 a month 'ADVANCE' (although this could be for longer and thus would be more) would mean c£42 being REMOVED from your money each month, leaving you with c£458 a month for the next YEAR.

This would give you c£16 a day to live on, for EVERYTHING in life, meaning you have £14 a week LESS for a Whole Year.

If you are on basic ESA/JSA, you get c£73 a week, thus, c£146 every 2 weeks and c£292 a month.

That's c£10 a DAY to live on, for EVERYTHING in life.

So, £292 a month 'ADVANCE' (although this could be for longer and thus would be more) would mean c£24 being REMOVED from your money each month, leaving you with c£264 a month for the next YEAR.

This would give you c£9 a day to live on, for EVERYTHING in life, meaning you have £7 a week LESS for a Whole Year.

When you are at this level of TORY DELIBERATELY-INDUCED POVERTY, every PENNY counts, not just POUNDS.


THIS is Tory Cruelty....deliberately done, to cause already desperate people to be pushed over the edge, to cause us all as much ANGUISH and FEAR as they can.

They will remove the money automatically....and will NOT care if you go under.

I would vote to see the return of HANGING for these ODIOUS HUMANS who have already sent many people to their DEATHS, thousands, as has been reported.....because they do NOT deserve to continue living after the SHEER EVIL they have wrought upon The British People.

This is NO DEMOCRATIC GOVT, folks, it is a BRUTAL, TYRANNICAL, OUT OF CONTROL, PSYCHOPATHIC REGIME and ONLY The People can put this right, by rising up AGAINST this true EVIL.

Remember, All Tories voted to REMOVE the former 'middle' Benefit of ESA, which was c£103 a week, taking £30 a week from that, to bring it down to the unliveable amount of c£73 a week!

ALSO, be AWARE that the second word in Universal Credit is.....yes...CREDIT.....and you just watch these BASTARDS & BITCHES bring in new laws which will probably mean ALL of us have to PAY BACK ANY MONEY given to us in Benefits, despite this coming from our NI contributions throughout life...even if we cannot afford it, they probably insisting it comes back out of any assets we have (our homes, etc) when we die...or, being passed on to our families to pay.

That previous paragraph is supposition on my part, BUT, tell me, for WHAT OTHER REASON would they rename 'Benefits' as Universal CREDIT, please?


WAKE UP and KNOW that at ANY MOMENT, due to Accident or Ill Health ANYONE can find themselves inside this now BRUTAL System...and we 1950s women are ONLY inside it because these MONSTERS have STOLEN OUR STATE PENSIONS for SIX YEARS leaving us with this HELL to try and live through!

Again, I would vote for the return of HANGING for those who've done this to so many of us, ruining lives, ending lives....

They are truly EVIL.

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